Don't have enough funds or an active card to shop online? Let our team assist you with getting your package. Call or WhatsApp us for more information.
Shop from multiple stores online and have all your packages packed in one box and shipped to jamaica or have family members abroad, have them Pak A Box N' Ship with us.
Are you looking for a specific part of your vehicle? Let us source it for you.
Shipping a barrel back home. Ask us how.
Weight (Per Pound) | USD Cost (by weight) |
1lb | $5.00 |
2lb | $7.00 |
3lb | $9.00 |
4lb | $11.00 |
5lb | $13.00 |
6lb | $15.00 |
7lb | $17.00 |
8lb | $19.00 |
9lb | $21.00 |
10lb | $23.00 |
11lb | $24.75 |
12lb | $26.50 |
13lb | $28.25 |
14lb | $30.00 |
15lb | $31.75 |
165lb | $33.50 |
17lb | $35.25 |
18lb | $37.00 |
19lb | $38.75 |
20lb | $40.50 |
The official Customs JA Charges here.
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